Special Accounting Bylaws of the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine

General rules
  1. The special account shall be funded by donations received by the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine from the late Honorary Member Yuichi Yamamura, the late Honorary Member Shigeo Iwata, the late Honorary Member Masamichi Aikawa, the late Honorary Member Masamitsu Ohtsuru, Honorary Member Susumu Hotta, Honorary Member Akira Igarashi and Honorary Member Kazuyo Ichimori.
  2. The special account may be used for projects essential for the development of the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine.
Detailed regulations
  1. a Special Account Management Committee shall be established to manage and administer the Special Account.
  2. A few members of the Steering Committee shall be elected by the Directors from among themselves.
  3. New projects to be carried out with the special account shall be discussed by the Steering Committee and the Board of Directors and approved by the Board of Trustees.
  4. The special account shall pay the winners of the Research Encouragement Award and the Japanese Society for Tropical Medicine Award a prize of 100,000 yen together with a certificate of recognition from the special account.

Note: The Research Encouragement Award Selection Committee members also serve as members of the Special Treasurer’s Steering Committee.

Supplementary provisions
  1. These Regulations were decided by the Board of Directors on 5 November 1997.
  2. These regulations were revised by the Board of Directors on 25 April 2009.
  3. these by-laws were revised by the Board of Trustees on 4 June 2022.