Detailed Regulations for the Election of Directors

  1. Establishes the method of election of Directors as stipulated in Article 22, Clause 1 of the Articles of Incorporation of the Japan Society of Tropical Medicine.
  2. The
    election of directors shall be administered by the Election Committee.
  3. The Election Commission shall prepare a list of electors and a list of electors for the national constituency and each local district.
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  4. In principle, the method of election shall be by electronic media designated by the Election Committee. In case of unavoidable circumstances, mail ballots (secret ballot) may also be used by making a declaration to the Election Committee in advance.
  5. The following persons shall be elected in order as a result of the election:
    1. One highest vote-getter each in the East (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto), Central (Chubu, Kinki), and West (Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa) regions, regardless of specialty.
    2. A total of 10 members to be elected by each specialty in the national category. However, 4 will be selected from Basic Science I, 3 from Basic Science II, and 3 from Clinical Science.
    3. Three members to be selected from the women’s quota.
    4. In the event of a tie in the number of votes received, the order shall be youngest first.
    5. In the event that a candidate is elected for both the local and the national district, priority shall be given to the winner of the local district, and the second place and lower of the national district election results shall be successively carried forward to the winner of the national district.
    6. In addition to the women’s quota, in the event that a candidate is elected to both the local and national office, priority shall be given to the winner of the local or national office, and the second place or lower in the women’s quota election results shall be successively carried over to the winner of the national office.
  6. Classification of specialties and other matters necessary for elections shall be determined by the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.


  1. The amendments to these bylaws shall become effective on January 1, 2004.
  2. The amendments to these bylaws shall become effective on January 1, 2006.
  3. The amendments to these bylaws shall become effective on April 18, 2011.
  4. The amendments to these bylaws shall become effective on November 4, 2021.
  5. The amendments to these bylaws shall become effective on November 24, 2023.